How to chose the right 3D Model
The way our customers use the 3D city models is almost always unique and the model they chose depends on many factors.
Custom; Using aerial imagery to manually capture 3D citymodels of cities and as-built environments anywhere in the United Kingdom. Use our Quoting Tool to send us a map mark-up of the site you require.
Level 1 (Urban Massing); 3D City Models low detail urban massing model. LOD1 model is manually captured using Photogrammetry and includes simplified but geographically accurate building shapes and accurate unseparated terrain.
Level 2 3D city models (Medium Detail); Mostly used in architectural competitions, context for BIM models, backgrounds for architectural visualisation, CGI, info animations, initial planning proposals, wider area 3D printing, home 3D printing, games and mobile application requiring low-poly models.
Level 3 3D city models (High Detail); Mostly used in planning, environmental and building consultancy services, development proposals, wind studies, context for architectural and BIM models, real estate, marketing, high-end architectural visualisation, CGI, animations & High-End 3D printing.
Level 4 3D city models (Highest Level); Level 4 models are derived from level three models. LOD4 models include modelled facade detail and are ideal for street-level views. All LOD4 models are tailored to client requirements.