What Is A Flood Risk Assessment Report?
For architects, land surveyors and developers it can be essential to provide a flood risk assessment report alongside planning permission applications. They support the site assessment development applications by looking at the risk and impact of flooding on a development site, helping to analyse the potential issues with building on sites, such as local areas having an increased chance of flooding for a flood check property report.
For a development to take place, the flood risk assessment report should prove that the site will remain safe in the future, taking the added effects of climate change into account when measuring the safety. When risks are found, the flood risk assessment report can provide possible solutions to the risk of flooding on the development, helping you to plan and safely bypass these risks
Choose the right report for you
Looking for the right Flood Risk Assessment Report package for you? At CentremapsLive, we have three FloodSmart assessment options, all giving clear flood management options and fast delivery times to help you prepare to manage risks that may occur on developments. Find out more about the different FloodSmart flood risk assessment report options below.

* pricing based on site size, location & complexity / ** Expedited turnarounds are available on request