Groundsure Agricultural
Agricultural is an interpreted environmental risk assessment report providing an assessment of the key environmental risks associated with purchasing farms and agricultural land. This agriculture report gives the expert, bespoke opinion required for high value estate transactions supporting transaction progression and completion from fully comprehensive environmental datasets.

Key Datasets
What is in this environmental risk assessment report?
The agriculture report now provides enhanced guidance on Section B8 of the Law Society Conveyancing Handbook (25th ed.) with information including:
Planning development extents have been added to this report
Boundary extents for many recent large development projects** dating back to May 2020 clearly illustrated
Improved accuracy with our environmental datasets highlighting the area of land to be developed
Multi-tier environmental risk assessment report
In-depth contaminated land assessment database dating back to 1840s including 27,000+ land use classifications
Environmental permits, incidents and registers
Detailed active and historical landfill data from authoritative sources, including the Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales, British Geological Survey (BGS), Local Authorities and historical Ordnance Survey mapping
National Grid gas pipeline and electricity transmission lines
Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Historic and Current Rights of Way (CRoW) - Open Access Land
High Speed 2 (HS2) rail network – proximity to potential build disruption and purchase risks
Detailed agriculture report with commentary on working farmyards
Agricultural Land Classification Report, indicating the land’s potential productivity
Subsidence hazards from mining and natural sources
Designated Environmentally Sensitive Sites including ancient or protected woodland.
Assessment of archaeological sites of interest
Timber felling licenses
Waste exemptions
Environmental and Countryside Stewardship Schemes
Discharge consents
Nitrate Vulnerable Zones

Accuracy, clarity and reliability: Why the Agricultural environmental risk assessment report is the only report you will need:
Practical expertise: Where issues are identified, Groundsure in-house environmental consultants offer pragmatic and commercially focused expert insight, deal oriented recommendations and guidance on next steps. A named consultant can be contacted in case of follow up questions about our environmental datasets. The Groundsure in-house team of environmental experts which specialises in agricultural transactions is also able to provide a desktop assessment of ongoing contamination risk at the site.
Transaction support: Easy to understand client ready copy, accessible to everyone involved in the transaction. With agriculturally focused risk advice supporting transaction progression and completion. Supporting professional requirements and accepted by all major UK lenders.
All in one report: Alongside a full desktop Contaminated Land and Flood assessment, we now include relevant peripheral infrastructure and planning information in one report. We also include an Agricultural Land Classification Report. No need to buy another report for flood, planning, transport or energy. Saving your client money and time.
Enhanced guidance on Section B8 of the Law Society Conveyancing Handbook: Save time with the inclusion of our collated 16 point assessment specific to agricultural land, including rights of way, land classifications and stewardship schemes.