BGS Civils
The primary goal of the product is to provide the key engineering characteristics of the geology of Great Britain to professional users who need simple and rapid access to such information. You might be planning pipeline routes avoiding difficult ground conditions, calculating tender costs for trench excavation or you might need knowledge of ground properties in order to plan your daily activities.

BGS Civils is a suite of national maps of engineering properties based on geological data and the digital 1:50 000-scale geological map — BGS Geology 50K.
It comprises eight layers:
Underground assets that are at risk from different types of corrosion include:
bulking volume
corrosivity (ferrous)
engineered fill
foundation conditions
What is at risk and who might require this data?
Underground assets that are at risk from different types of corrosion include:
building foundations, such as steel piles
earthing rods
oil and gas pipelines
water pipelines
This dataset can be utilised by a wide range of users such as:
energy providers
engineering and industrial insurers, including associations such as the International Association of Engineering Insurers (IMIA)
local authorities and councils
petrochemical companies
regulatory and coordinating bodies
transport infrastructure providers
water companies
water regulators and coordinating bodies such as Water UK