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great britain vector map, vector map, uk vector map, os vector map district, base maps

VectorMap District

OS Vector Map District is a simple UK vector map dataset with a nominal scale of 1:25000 covering the whole of Great Britain that has been designed for creating graphical mapping. The product can be used as mapping in its own right or can be used to provide a flexible geographic context reference and base map for customers’ overlay information.

great britain vector map, vector map, uk vector map, os vector map district, base maps
What is OS Vector Map District?

OS Vector Map District is a mapping dataset designed for providing contextual mapping output on paper, PCs, hand-held devices or the Internet. The UK vector map format of the product consists of layers to enable you to customise and style the output to suit your needs.


The OS Vector Map District is generated automatically from the OS Large-Scale Topographic Database with no manual cartographic input. This database is used to update other OS products, including OS MasterMap Topography Layer.

Why use OS Vector Map District?

Style your map to highlight what matters to you; OS Vector Map District is great if your map needs a custom look.


Display the map layers you need; Show enough detail to give the lie of the land while avoiding overwhelming detail. OS Vector Map District lets you display just the map layers you need.

great britain vector map, vector map, uk vector map, os vector map district, base maps


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